oferta w języku angielskim


a very important decision that the parents must make

Every parent is faced with a difficult choice of a primary school for their children. It is not an easy decision, especially as you can find many private primary schools in our city. However, this choice should be conscious and thoughtful, because the development and education of a child depends on this decision, which in turn affects their further education. How to choose a school for a child so that this choice will bear fruit in the future? When making this important decision, it is worth considering our school’s rich offer:


  • We are open and provide care for students from 7.00 am to 4.30 pm.
  • The school is free of monthly payment.
  • We provide delicious meals for lunch.
  • We create an atmosphere of friendship and mutual acceptance.
  • We enable comprehensive development of a child’s personality, we help build self-esteem and self-confidence in children.
  • We create conditions for learning foreign languages, such as English and German.
  • We organize additional activities that will broaden the interests of every child – chess club, choir, art classes, language classes, math classes, swimming classes.
  • The school is involved in social and charity campaigns.
  • We foster the cultural development of students through numerous educational, sightseeing and cultural excursions.
  • We create friendly learning conditions and employ an individual approach to students.
  • The school is equipped with the ‘Librus’ online lesson journal.

We provide students with comprehensive care and an individual approach

Our Primary School guarantees the above-mentioned conditions and is also open to students with special educational needs. The facility offers comprehensive didactic, educational and therapeutic care, providing children with optimal conditions for cognitive, emotional and social development. The curriculum is tailored to the individual needs and abilities of each child, and activities are conducted in the form of experiments, experiences and self-discovery. The school provides specialist care for children with special educational needs during didactic classes and individual therapy. Students also have the opportunity to attend a variety of classes, such as: remedial and compensatory classes, rehabilitation and sociotherapy classes, as well as speech therapy and corrective gymnastics. For parents who want to provide their children with homeschooling, the school offers its help.



The most important criterion for admitting a child to the school is an interview with the parents, during which both parties (the school and the child’s parents or legal guardians) discuss the principles of cooperation and define their expectations and obligations.

If you are interested in visiting the school or in obtaining information about current availability status, please contact us by the following phone numbers to make an appointment:

+48 797 605 718

+48 501 703 507

Our school is a part of and carries out many projects, thanks to which children learn for free. We encourage you to visit our website and Facebook page regularly.

Download the request letter for admission in PSP Villa Bambini from the website and fill it in.

Bring it to the meeting or send it to the school via email.

of experience
in our schools
in both schools
and academic performance


Polecam ! Polecam! Moje dzieci uczęszczają już od żłobka do Villa Bambini. Obecnie uczęszczają tutaj do szkoły podstawowej i jestem jak najbardziej za!
Przepisałam córkę z państwowej szkoły podstawowej do PSP nr 1 i jestem bardzo zadowolona ze swojej decyzji. Atmosfera miła, spokojna. Z nauczycielami kontakt na plus . Serdecznie polecam :))
Miałam obawy, gdzie posłać dziecko do szkoły, bo przeprowadziliśmy się z innego miasta. Szukając, czytając, analizując postanowiłam zapisać dziecko do Villa Bambini. Jestem zachwycona. Program nauczania jest rozszerzony, ale Panie pięknie cały temat przepracowują z dziećmi. Prace domowe są zadawane względnie, więc dziecko ma czas na naukę oraz odpoczynek. Polecam szkoła 10 na 10!!!
Córka jest bardzo zadowolona ze szkoły . Wychowawczyni najlepsza pod słońcem! Serdecznie polecam!!!Polecam szkoła 10 na 10!!!
Szkoła spełniła moje i syna najśmielsze oczekiwania. Bardzo lubi tam chodzić i i wraca z uśmiechem. Gorąco polecam.
Polecam. Córka zadowolona z atmosfery, opieki, wielu atrakcyjnych wycieczek. Edukację w tym miejscu zaczęłyśmy od przedszkola, a teraz jesteśmy w 2 klasie i za żadne skarby nie zmieniłybyśmy szkoły!!
Polecam, super kadra pedagogiczna i wspaniałe zajęcia.
Wspaniały stosunek wszystkich pracowników do dzieci i rodziców. Polecamy!
Mam dziecko w tej szkole i jestem zadowolony, bo córka może się rozwijać. Bierze udział w rożnych konkursach i zajęciach dodatkowych.
Nie mam zastrzeżeń, jestem z mężem bardzo zadowolona, że nasze dziecko trafiło do Prywatnej Szkoły Villa Bambini. Polecamy.